Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Experience Darden #253: Meet Vincent Truong and Jill Howland, DSA President and DSA Executive Vice President
In this episode of the podcast, we catch up with Vincent Truong and Jill Howland. Vincent and Jill are first year students in UVA Darden’s Full-Time MBA Class of 2025, and they were recently elected to serve as the President and Executive Vice President, respectively, of the Darden Student Association (DSA). We talk with Vincent and Jill about the MBA journeys, their experience at Darden so far, how they will be spending their summers as well as their plans for the DSA in the year ahead. For more insights, tips, and stories about the Darden experience, be sure to check out the Discover Darden Admissions blog and follow us on Instagram @dardenmba